Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Baby's First Close Up!

That's right folks! We got to see a picture today of the baby! There is only one in there, so sorry to disappoint those who were hoping for twins! But one is better than none, right?  RIGHT!!  

The interesting thing, is that the baby is measuring in at 6 weeks and 5 days! Which is a few days off what we thought we were at 7 weeks. But the due date is the same! The baby was just hanging out but was also flipping around and moved out of the shot a few times, but the most important thing we saw, was the beating heart, we didn't get to hear it, but we did see it, and yes, I did tear up! We've included some pictures of the baby for you to see!

Dr. Harms said everything looks great for what a 6 week old embryo is supposed to look like, and that a chance of miscarriage is now only about 4% so that is a sigh of relief!

Next appointment is on May 19th, and at that we might get a chance to hear the heartbeat! Yea! But until then we are still baking away! I must admit, I was hoping that the baby would be in the shape of a reindeer but oh well, you can't always have what you want!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm Pregnant!

Then you know the news...I'M PREGNANT

Yes, the test read, "Pregnant" and at first I thought it was an April Fool's Day joke, and then I tested again on April 3rd. Not believing what I was seeing we decided to make for sure, FOR SURE, and get a blood test. A couple of days later I went in for a blood test at Mayo, and the results came back from an HCG test, and it was 209, which indicates pregnancy! 

We are excited! The estimated due date, is December 10th! Just in time for Grandma & Grandpa Milne's 51st Wedding Anniversary, and we think it would be an awesome present for them! 

In the meantime, I'm 7 weeks along and feeling good, except for a little morning sickness which tends to come at night between the hours of 9pm to 11pm. But other than that, I'm excited to be experiencing this first hand instead of through friends or family members! 

My goal with this pregnancy blog is to update it on a weekly basis so that for those of you who are out of town, or out of state and wish to know some of the craziness that is happening have a place to peek into and find out! 

All we ask is that you pray for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy! But for right now, we are baking our first Christmas Cookie!